Cool and the gang

*NB* the fingers this way aren't rude in Spain - it's the same as the other way round! Before you worry about how we're raising Asha!! Ha!
Nate had the morning at Momo. Danny left him halfway through and Nate happily waved him off! I think it helps that it's a really small place, there were just 2 kids today!
I made the most of some Nate-free time, prayer walked, journaled a bit, started on the huge amounts of homeless washing, prepped Jeff and Suzy's room etc etc...
Then straight after school we had a meeting with Asha's teachers - they introduce themselves and their method for teaching the kids that year - the kids loved playing in the playground during it. 
Home and Asha cooked omelette for a late lunch...well...Danny cooked and told Asha what to do. She loved it though!
Caña Club tonight and Sa Penya for Danny. Good to see people.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Tight hugs from school Mom friends.
2) Nate being fine when D left and also when he collected him.
3) Dettol.

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