View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Fisherman's Hut

The dogs have been going mad today because of the dog at the shore in heat. Last night Mac howled all night and tried to chew his way out of his house and Roy started barking this morning at six o'clock to get out. I decided they needed to get away for a wee while so I went to the River Laxford and we had a walk along the path beside the river. It was misty rain and got heavier on the way back but I was well wrapped up with my new waterproof trousers and new boots on. The dogs really enjoyed the run about. Skyegirl and HG won't recognise this hut but it is the one we had our lunch in when we did a walk along by the river. It has all been refurbished and look lovely inside with new wood panelling on the walls and a big black stove and a sink. There are no seats in it but I am sure they will put some in. It might even be a new building but it looks great.

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