Just looking around

By Mojjurnal


Today we drove across snow covered terrain from Reykjavik past the Hekla volcano to the Solheimajokull glacier which we climbed ! It was really scary. I kept getting left behind as i was too fascinated by all the air bubbles in the meters thick ice. B broke one of his crampons but luckily guide had a spare set. Darkness and heavy rain descended as we hiked back to our bus for the journey back to town.
Visited Eyjafjallajokull volcano museum en route and had supper before setting off to a quick look at above (floodlit) waterfall.
B, Son and Daughter tried to cross to the cave behind it but the dark, rain and wind foiled their plans. We somehow scrambled back into the minibus and back to town.
Sadly, heavy rain clouds obscured any glimpse of Norther Lights in the night sky.

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