
Up early and took Juno up the hill. Met a lovely man who was metting another lovely man so we all walked and chatted while the dogs played.

Brilliant conversation with these chaps.

I cycled to eco mum'splot and dug for 6 hours, it is infested with crouch grass, I filled 3 ton bags with the roots. I found a paddling pool in a compost bin. It came in useful.

Cycled home and got a stump.

Went to pick up eco daughter from the stables and asked to borrow a riddle.

I got one

There was a young man from the excise
Who had 2 testicles of different sizes
The small one was tiny and no use at all
The other was huge and won many prizes

More a limerick but who cares it fun.

Knackered I had a bath and stretched.

No danish pastries so Borgen was just tea and cake.

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