Lord of Penguin

By JPenguin

Driver Awarenesszzzzzz

This is where I spent my entire day. Not in the grotty garages but in the car.

It is my company car - and I have to travel a lot - hence I was instructed to go on a Driver Awareness for Fleet drivers course.

Never have you known dullness till you hear a man with a very quiet monotone voice giving a running commentary on everything that is happening around him and all the potential hazards that may or may not be there .. .

"and I'm going past a junction now, and I'm noticing that there is a blue mondeo there which isn't indicating, and there's a man on a bike coming the other way, and now we're going past a bench - there isn't anyone on the bench, but if there was someone on the bench, they might stand up and walk across the road. Ooooh look there's a tree, if it was windy there could be leaves blowing around and twigs and the like, which might get into the air vents and make that ratataatatatatatatat noise which can be distracting. Leave that radio alone!"


As for the pic - meant to take my camera with me as the magical mystery tour started at the power station and meant to get some photos of the cooling towers. But I forgot it. hence this. Never take photos into the sun? Pah! I always love a bit of sun flare.


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