Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Piano Fort(e)*

Tonight the institute where I study music held a free two hour workshop to introduce the concepts of what we do there to anyone interested. It was packed! Well over 50 people showed up. Founder Linda Brice (on the right), who is a miracle worker, led the workshop and convinced probably more than half of the attendees that, through the level-one class at the institute, they could learn to sing beautifully by finding their authentic voice.

A lot of what we do initially is learn a new breathing technique - hence, the work on the floor. We ran out of floor space, so one of the participants had to lie under the piano!

Classes start up again tomorrow. I've had two weeks off, and needed every bit of it to rest up and recover from the grueling concert season and classes from last term. Sadly, I've decided I can't sing in my choir this term - it's just too much for my easily-fatigued body. But now I can concentrate 100% on my studies. I'll be co-teaching one of the level-one classes, which I'm very excited - and nervous - about.

A few more photos of the workshop are in this slideshow.

*For the non-musical, this is a terminology pun -- piano means to sing or play quietly, and forte' means the opposite.

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