Life with Alice

By elirin

The Beast

My humans have some odd traditions. I think the crayfish party (which we sort of missed this year) and Midsummer are the most Swedish. But also, some time during autumn, they get a huge crab, cut it in two with the biggest most dangerous knife in the household and eat it. With mustard sauce. It takes forever because of all the bones. Two types of tongs have to be used. Humans.

It was, however, a very nice dinner. At Grandma’s, I always get my platter with meatball, cheese and liver pâté first, and then I get to sit at the table when the humans eat. Not super close to the table, but still. I can see what’s going on. And then mum made me a very small crab bite to try it out. And then - there was pannacotta for dessert and Grandma said Alice HAS to have a small piece. How about that?!

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