Life. Through my lens.


Epic Journey.

I'm BACK!! We made it!! What an epic journey. Let the back blipping begin. I've got lots to share and it will take me a little while to fill in the gaps while I choose the right picture. What can I say? It was a 5,460km drive that took us initially to Sydney, then back to Brisbane, then out into the outback to go and visit the site where they have preserved footprints from the dinosaurs. What an awesome sight to behold. I'm not sure who was more blown-away, the kids or myself. Now comes the task of filling in the blip days with pictures to tell the story.

Ps. Please excuse the poor picture quality. Since a screenshot is not really allowed I had to take a picture of the screen. Initially I used the D800E which did a poor job as it picked up each pixel on the screen separately so I had to use the S100 which was enough to pass as readable.

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