
Not much of a day, windy, low cloud and chilly.  It has stayed dry. 

Might have ended up having one too many last night, so it was a lazy morning.  I finally made a start to packing up after breakfast, and then needed north to see if sis Julie was back, no she wasn't.  Me and Sammy got a good walk from Quoys to Baltasound after lunch.  Caught the ferries, and back home.  A lazy evening by the fire, before heading to work in the pub later. 

It was a good walk and cleared the head, but a sad walk too.  Along the edges of the Loch of Cliff, there are so many abandoned tounships and communities, once a thriving place.  Looking over to Petester, where there was about 10 homes, now just one left with a roof.  Abandoned in the late 1950s/60s.  I'm thinking that house is where friend Leslie Stickle was born.  Great to still be able to see the runrig field systems running up the burn.  I've never been to the houses here, a must next time.  Taken from Crogan Ness, Loch of Cliff, Unst.  

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