Two special events happened today

The first one is, today is our 47th wedding anniversary, which has zipped by in the blink of an eye! we spent some of our time here in Neil Hawkins reserve,  one thing we love doing apart from walking the shoreline near home is walking through the bush and Neil Hawkins happens to have some really well protected bush land, we had a lovely lunch and a lovely walk to follow.
The other special thing that happened to me today is i received my first swimming certificate, i enrolled myself into a course of adult swimming lessons 6 weeks ago, never too old to try something new, i have been at the pool every Monday for a long time, doing deep water running and swimming 15 lengths of the 25mt pool in a breaststroke i learned when i was at school, back in the day the instructors were not very precise on how you managed to swim a breadth or a length of the pool so it wasn't a particular good breast stroke, but i managed, then the day came that i would find myself enrolling into a course that taught adults freestyle, and here i am today holding my first real certificate, feeling very chuffed with myself and waiting for the next two weeks to zip by then i can start the second course.
Thanks to my handsome, patient, encouraging, hubby who is aways there and always by my side wherever we go and whatever we do. we may not get another 47 years but as long as we have each other then our lives together will be a bonus. 

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