Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

As ever, I needed an image in order to post some writing, so this is just a work-in-progress which I hope to explain more fully when I have got a little farther with it.
Meanwhile, back to the story.
When Daniel left yesterday he explained to me that Darth would be sending someone round on Monday or Tuesday to properly secure the dormer window pigeon-door closed so that it will never again blow open in a high wind and allow the birds to regain entry. I thanked Daniel for this information because it's useful to know if gremlins will be in my premises while I am out.
Therefore this morning I made sure to plug in my extension cable, pass it under the interior door and lock up properly.
Sure enough Darth phoned mid-morning as a “courtesy call” to alert me to the fact that someone would be round to the flat in half an hour. I thanked him and let him know that I had left an electricity supply available for just such an eventuality. Perhaps because I had thanked him or perhaps not, he then added “You see, we are a good agent.”
“I never said you weren't” I lied, which prompted him to request that I write a review.
I shan't, obviously, though I did plaster the internet with tales of Dan's heroics.

I think that I can now finally draw a line under #TheSagaOfTheChathamPigeonLoft

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