
This morning I wrote this month's update - Chris was in a generous mood which meant avocado on toast as I typed! Later in the morning I met up with Jeff and Suzy to go on a little prayer walk. Brought them here to the edge of Sa Penya to see the outside of this property...we're wondering if this might be something to pursue...the location's great...we'll call and see...We walked into Sa Penya and briefly called in on Chele who was busy mopping his floors, then as we walked down saw Chicho who had done the shopping. I love that these 2 men are breaking down the stereotypes!
The 3 of us collected Nate from nursery, then they got Asha from school. She will have been delighted by that! They Kindly took us for a delicious lunch in town - so lovely to sit and natter over a meal out!
Shopping and then home, then cooking dinner for the homeless guys - 3 of them were new people wanting dinner tonight which I'm glad about...people we don't know that well yet...2 struggling with the big H, they can be hard to engage with. I'm glad they got a hot meal tonight. 
Stephen joined us for dinner too, kids were delighted!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Positive responses from the update. Super encouraging.
2) Chele's gorgeous response to our visit.
3) Homeless friends having full stomachs tonight.

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