Following on behind....

A lot of rain last night , but not a bad day to follow.
Mr M and crew back to take out more cattle slats from the shed.
Wee brother and 2 herds sorting through the blackie ewe lambs to pick the ones that are being kept for our own replacements.
A morning spent drying more barley, the pile doesn’t seem to be getting any less.
Took the winter barley seed down to the contractor’s and stuck it in one of his sheds ready for when he needs it. Then went along the road for a back load of barley straw.
There are a fresh 4 way set of traffic lights at the A7. Only problem is when you stop at the red light no one can get past from the other way because of all the parked cars in the way. Not very well thought out placing of the lights and cones , surprise surprise .
Back home then had to go and help wee brother bring in a cow and calf that hadn’t sucked . She was a wee bit excitable to say the least. Turns out 3 of her teats are stuffed , mastitis , so the calf will need to be lifted off her and bottle fed . As usual, if we had known yesterday it would have saved me having to buy a calf to twin on to the cow at home . Sods Law again !

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