Salsicce di Bati

A Tuscan sausage get together with stuff from the garden- carrots, aubergine, bell and horn peppers, kohl rabi, onion and Greek salted olives.

Finished three flues atop the roof. One required shooting the sticks up through the flue to the chimney, attaching the brush and an in-case-it-all-goes-wrong rope, and then pulling them down through the flue with its bends and draft damper. There were moments of high drama.

In the barn the electric disappeared. Freezer and fridge anxieties. But bizarrely came back in early evening. Must be a different mains feed than the house although separated by just 5 metres.

Discovered the barn wood stove is so budget as to be useless. Will shove it in the stables. We’ll look for something nice although building regs have things to say about total energy burning in one house.

So high drama all round. Congratulations to Kenneth Armstrong as part of the team that won at the Supreme Court. That’s magic.

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