Out of His Lair...Way Up in the Air

I was mildly excited when I got back from my walk, and my "pet" squirrel (who I haven't seen in a LONG time) was waiting for me on the large shrub by my back door. I rushed inside to get a treat, but when I came back out...he was gone.

I found him in my back yard, and we had words.

"Why are you up the telephone pole...
why such a high place you choose?
Couldn't you find a nicer place...
in which to take a snooze?"

"Why are you up the telephone pole...
aren't you worried about a mishap?
Couldn't you find a nicer place...
in which to take a nap?"

"Why do you climb like a mountain goat,
or its cousin...the bighorn sheep?
Couldn't you find a nicer place...
in which to get some sleep?"

The squirrel would not come down from the pole...
would not honor my request.
I went inside with my raw peanuts,
while the squirrel did get his rest.

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