Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Oh but couldn't I use
A Genie at this moment in time
Over its presence I would enthuse
And wish for happiness sublime
Ah but happiness needs money
So must needs a lottery win
Oh but wouldn't that be funny
Where, oh where would begin
I'd move from this house of course
Into a mansion so very grand
A stable with my very own horse
And acres upon acres of land
Each day I would stand and survey
The view as from bed I arose
And wonder what I'd do that day
As from my wonderous attire I chose
Clean shirts of perfect fit
Shoes without a single hole
Trousers without any bit
Of torn or ragged cloth
No darning needed for my socks
No fear of the foreman's wrath
Nor need to watch the factory clocks
I would answer to no-one
My time would be my own
Oh glorious dreams bar one
For I would still be alone
But then I have a final wish
And it would be one of power
For what could I ever possibly wish
But that for one glorious hour
I might sit on our old settee
And hold you in my arms
No gold or lands you must agree
Could be the equal of your charms
For my beloved I miss you now
In more ways than I can mention
Even the times that we did row
When I hurt you without intention
So you see my love, my heart
No matter the wishes gave
With this old house I'll never part
Until I go to my grave
For only then will I no longer need
The comfort these suroundings bring
And ever I wish God's time speed
For to me death holds no sting
But rather a blessed relief
For finally there would be an end
To this interminable grief
So genie to your wishes keep hold
And to another give your time
I'm happy with my comforts old
And memories that are hers and mine

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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