The day started leisurely enough. J and I sat down over coffee and planned out our holidays for the next year - we have to clear times when we don't take on commitments we couldn't change (particularly my judging). Currently plans for Tasmania & Australia, New Zealand and another lengthy motorhome trip in Europe. All very exciting.

Then a request came through for 'as-soon-as-possible' photography for a baby stillborn last night at Luton & Dunstable hospital. I could go, so abandoned everything, gathered kit and headed off. What a nightmare it is parking there but I found a spot. Such a lovely family but a difficult session - mum distraught, two young boys (4 & 2) with no idea what was going on, plus grandparents and an aunty. In incredible low light (thank goodness for my rotalight) with two bouncy boys everywhere, I managed enough images for them. We do know these images are so very important, particularly in years to come.

So my quiet morning before meeting a friend for dog walk and coffee became rather compressed. It all fitted somehow.

I took my new panasonic 100-400 on the dog walk to try it out but all birds were a long way away partly due to the reservoir being so low. Good catch up chat with my friend on the walk.

Evening preparing for the weekend away with the RPS Visual Arts group in Liverpool. Should be fun.

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