Volcanic Bombs on Cam Crag

I’ve scrambled up Cam Crag before, but with difficulty. Looking back, I think it was too soon after my back op (laminectomy in Nov 2015). On that occasion, I found big step-ups impossible; that is steps where I had to lift my right knee higher than my hip. The nerve had been damaged and no longer worked in terms of sending signals to my muscles, which just didn’t do what I wanted them to, and I had pins and needles in my right foot. I still got to the top that day, and was exultant, but I knew I wanted to do it better.

Today was a different matter entirely. It was easy! And fun! That’s not to say there was no challenge at all, but it was relatively small and the associated satisfaction, the pleasure on feeling 100% better, was immense.

Intothhills  took à photo of me part way up a steep bit, (see extras) , which shows just how high we were. The exposure however wasn’t as reckless as it may look :-)

On the way up, we found a huge number of geological markings, fossils, and types of rock formation including beautifully coloured sedimentary layers, interesting conglomerates and various igneous rocks with what we think are lava bombs. These large features formed perhaps when molten lava blobs landed on ash or other sediment. If you think otherwise, do say.

Intothehills is another one who’s post operative recovery has been slow, but sure. Just as good to see him fully fit, strong and enjoying mountaineering again.

PS I’ve added two caterpillars, possibly of the Buff Ermine moth & Broom moth.

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