
By aaronvanvalen

Babyrila & Euros

And that's that, a whole year, baby!

This one is for the fans who have been with me from day one. And Sy for the many times she has had to wait for "just one more second - hold still."

This past year has been pretty damn awesome. It started in New Hampshire after mesmeri introduced me to blip. Blip stayed with me in hard times of studying, hanging out with the bestest friends, and long grey hound journeys. After a period of kicking back in the summer of the Netherlands I made my way to Japan, to study some words and take some photos.

For now that is pretty much what I want to occupy myself with: learn Japanese and take photos. If I can make a living doing one while making use of the other, I will be a happy camper.

My interests go beyond that, though. There is of course always cinema, but that just seems to hard to grasp right now.

I suppose I would do well to name my favorites. Don't wanna overdo it but it is hard to choose, mainly cos a lot of these bring back great memories. I forget stuff like a madman, and it is for that reason that I think blip is so cool. It helps me organize all that shit, while teaching me a few things here and there.

So so awesome.

Oma and Sy
Maple Leaves, Shrines, and Pretty Girls
Boy in a Plane

This has truly been a great year and I hope I will be closer to my goals next year, with new ones lined up. Thanks, all.


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