
By Jeanettie6


Today I went on a trip to Ipswich, back to lurk around and take photos of the house my family and I lived in for a couple of years when I was about 8 years old...many, many, years ago! I hadn't actually seen it since then, but was amazed how much I remembered about the road, places I used to play etc. (The road actually hadn't changed much...a pleasant enough, but very boring road where nothing much happens!)

The town centre had certainly changed and the marina/waterfront was quite impressive. What wasn't impressive though was, about 10 minutes after taking this photo, I fell over, crashing down onto my wrist and flat on to my cheek!! The second time I've fallen over since I've been blipping (and, most importantly, the camera survived!) I think I'm going to have a bit of a bruise on my cheek though. Lucky I didn't knock myself out though as I was on my own..clumsy woman!

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