A couple of years ago a huge hole appeared overnight in the field next to my cottage, it was about 10 ft across and the same in depth. There was a lot of peering, scratching of heads and speculation about the hole.

Had it been caused by a bit of a plane falling off?
Was it the remains of a secret tunnel?
perhaps there was an underground stream?

"I think a mentorite landed here" Said Mellors

My own theory, substantiated this evening in this blip, is that the area is rife with unidentified flying objects.

The hole has subsequently been filled in with rubble and soil, but I know, one day the little green men will dig it out and reactivate their space ship in preparation for their return to Mars.

My mobile phone camera struggles with dull days, so I was rather suprised by this offering.

There will be a praize for the correct ID of these UFOs.

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