What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Life of Pi

Last day before the holiday ends and unpacking was finally done in the day, as well as rearranging of the new room to try and accomodate the flatscreen that has been sitting disassembled in the closet. Unfortunately I forgot to check if there was a way of attaching it to the base first so it now awaits some parts before final assembly!

The evening was spent at dinner with some friends in town before they went off to see 'Swan Lake' at the Corn Exchange - see accompanying Blips from Mark and Neil. I wasn't sure if I'd be back (or awake enough) to go so post-dinner I cycled over to the cinema instead and found a very conveniently timed showing of 'Life of Pi' to watch.

It's an enchanting film and I can see why it's been getting so many rave reviews - I'm quite disappointed I didn't get to actually watch it in 3D as the visuals were probably quite something. That said, they still looked perfect in 2D so I'm not really going to complain much!

Apart from the visuals the stars of the piece are the quartet of actors playing Pi (notably the stranded teenage incarnation, brilliantly played by Suraj Sharma) and a certain Richard Parker, the tiger that Pi finds himself stranded with on his odyssey. In equal parts horrifying (the shipwreck is sheer devastation) and beautiful (the moment when man and tiger look into each other's souls) it would be nothing without the two of them.

I don't actually want to say much more as I've not yet read the book and as it said 'based on' in the film's titles there could be differences that I don't want to overly explain or interpret incorrectly. Instead I'll just say I can see why several people on the radio show wanted this to be in our Top 12 of 2012, just a shame we didn't get a chance to see it before the voting!

December's back-Blip for today is a self portrait in the rain. Kind of.

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