Tonto McDuff

By TontoMcDuff


Bit of a grey day here in Perth today, but being the first Saturday of the month, the farmer's market was in town, which always gives the place a buzz.

Also out and about was Pamela advertising her "real fast food" shop on the high street. Her slightly startled look really appealed to me. I spoke to her afterwards and she said she was trying to get out of the way of my shot. When told her she was my shot, she seemed quite delighted.

It was a tough choice today as I did really like my Meal Vennel shot. The centre of Perth is criss-crossed by numerous ancient vennels (lane or alley). In the 1980s the city fathers allowed a shopping centre to be built on the site of the Meal Vennel, on condition that the right-of-way was maintained. So the Vennel is still there (sort of) and runs through the "River Island" and "HMV" stores.

I also liked my Buffalo Girl going round the outside.

Off out now for a long walk with Breagha. Enjoy the rest of your weekend fellow blippers.

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