Remotivation cont.....

By Federico

Fuel light bingo

I guess we all hate filling up with petrol. Yes the sheer cost is bad enough, but much worse is the notion that you're standing there, in the freezing cold, catching man-flu and watching your life ebb away in a digital blur.
This is why I'm partial to playing fuel light bingo. The needle is already in the red zone as you pass a sign on the roadside saying "Services 1m" but you don't stop. You go to the next one, and when you get there, you go past that one too.
Besides, there's always the hope, the slimmest chance that somehow, the car will run on fresh air until you get home.
And your wife/partner will fill it up.
Much to my partner Kim's annoyance, I play fuel light bingo all the time and I'm very good at it, but today, even I thought I'd overdone it. The needle below the red with 50 miles to work and back on dual carriageway with unpredictable traffic on less than reserve. Not possible, surely?

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