Pandemic Legacy. Season 1, November

As we are nearing the end of the game, we are very curious as to what will happen in the rest of the game. there's still a few cards in the deck, so we expect some unexpected events in December.

But first November, wherein Hannes played the Medic, Leander the Dispatcher (as usual), Tarek the Quarantine specialist, Kobe the Immunologist and me the Researcher.
As we were playing 5 again, we added the additional rules for 5 to 6 players and got 1 funded event.
As a Win bonus for every game played in November we got to place 3 roadblock markers anywhere on the board (we placed them between the hot zones (3 fallen cities) of Mexico city, Miami, Bogota, so if they had an outburst the wouldn't effect each other)

Only three objectives are left (and we need three to win November)
- find cures for the 3 normal diseases
- destroy 2 military bases
- have 3 vaccine factories on the board

As we started up the game we had just a few blue cubes, some black ones, a lot of red ones and just 1 faded figure on the board. That's never happened before and we were very positive about us winning this game.

We started giving around cards and managed to get enough black cards to Hannes and red ones to me, curing the black and red diseases. In the meantime the blue disease exploded a bit in Europe and we had to do some damage control. Unfortunately our vaccine factory in Paris was destroyed. So to win the game now, we had to build another 2.

Problem : the player deck was running low again (as it has been known to do in the last few games). This called for some quick and creative thinking, making sure that everything we needed to do would be done in the time we had left (15 cards = 8 turns).

By skipping over some players (as we can do if playing with 5), getting the blue cards to me (because I already had 2), building a vaccine factory in New York (Leander) and Chicago (Me), and by giving enough black cards to Leander (who can destroy military bases if he has black cards), we managed to do all off our objectives with a few turns left to play.

Our win bonus for December :
- advance a search party 1 space (we have no searches left, so or we were very quick with them (we made it our first objective every game we got one) or there is still one we need to get)
- start with 3 vaccine doses in one vaccine factory
Not very spectacular

As game end upgrades we just choose to make the 2 new vaccine factories permanent

Can't wait for our next game (possibly the last one), that will be played on 12/11.

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