Water under the watchful gaze of Berry Lugosi

Merry has been interested in a lot of sips from the faucets this morning. She had a very stressful afternoon yesterday. She and I ventured out to a new veterinary clinic for some annual/routine injections and some issues we had been noticing. She has been scratching her ears and I had noticed some debris in both. She wasn't really interested in me inspecting what seemed to be red and itchy areas on her tummy as well, so it was time to try out the new clinic. 

I really love the new vet and I soon found that she worked for years at the old clinic I previously used for 46 years. I never had her personally treat Max or Raspberry, but she is still friends with our old vet from there( now in San Francisco) and she knew our old beloved half Abyssinian, Iris.  Our Iris was rather famous there after two swallowed object surgeries.  It was a great place until a large corporate vet service bought them out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the new clinic, but the place lost the special, accustomed personal touch we had all been used to. The woman who started this new clinic also worked at thatold one. It felt like old home week talking about vets I have such fondness for.

Merry behaved bravely, weights 8.2 pounds and Dr. Went fell in love with her. The ears are indeed infected with a yeast infection, and that most likely signals that along with the itchy tummy, she has some allergies. The vet told me that great strides have been made in addressing feline allergies and we would get to the bottom of it all. I'm still fragile about the sudden loss of Raspberry to lymphoma, ( the vet had lost a cat in the same way) so, I was very nervous. I heard her utter, "In some pedigree cats, we..." and immediately felt weak in the knees expecting some awful pronouncement, but it was nothing, scary just my anxiety at work. So, little Merry had two needed vaccines and an antibiotic injection as well. We have ear drops for two weeks, twice a day. 

I have applied the ear drops this morning with no trouble. Merry has eaten and had many sips of water from various faucets, but is quite exhausted from her trip yesterday and her injections. We have a re-check in 2 weeks, and then we will see about going forward with the allergy issues. We are  so totally in love with this little cat.

I was afraid I couldn't keep up the Halloween shots, but as you can see, with the help of our beloved Raspberry's photo, we managed to pull off day two with some help from the tintype filter.

For the Record,
This day came in dank and humid. We are supposed to have very warm humid weather until a wind shift later bringing in autumn temperatures by night. I hope so!!

All hands happy Merry's ears are being treated and that we like our new vet.

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