Coolmine monument

The miner's monument was erected in memory of two members of staff of the Oranje Nassaumijn III who were fused by the occupiers because of their involvement in the 1943 mine strike in Bergen. There were strikes at various places nationwide after Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber General F. Christiansen announced in 1943 that 300,000 Dutch soldiers would still be taken away in captivity. This resulted in the April-May strike, which reached Limburg on the day of the announcement. Because the strikes became more extensive, the Polizei Standgericht was introduced with the approval of Dr. Seyss-Inquard. The first death sentences were pronounced on the night of 1 to 2 May 1943. The monument consists of relief of white natural stone with an image of two miners who hand in hand courageously look death in the eye.

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