Donna in Linton

I met my university friend and cousin-in-law at The Linton Kitchen today.  We are both  experiencing unsettling home conditions due to children leaving to go to Uni and are having to consider what the future holds.  But that is all as it should be.  It was lovely to see her.

Whilst I was there I got the shock of my life - a woman I didn't recognise walked in wearing a t-shirt I had designed about 5 years ago for Sam's band 'Dry Ice'.  I'd only had about 8 printed as there were 5 in the band (and the band didn't last long).  She was not anyone I recognised from the village and was not in Sam's age group - how puzzling...

Of course I had to go and ask her where she got it from and following her story and after quizzing Sam I worked it out.  Sam's left it at a friend's house last week as it was around downstairs having lent it to his driving instructor for a photo (That's the weirdest part).  His friend's mum, just back from a holiday with her sister, found it, washed it  and since she didn't recognise it assumed it was her sisters, who finding it in her sorted washing pile liked it and wore it :-) 

I love love love that strange set of coincidences - it's made me smile all today.

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