
By ConstablePie

Mission of mercy

I received a call from my mum saying my niece was really poorly and they’d had to go to A&E. My brother and sister-in-law are on holiday in Turkey so I headed to Bridlington. It’s a journey that usually takes 4-5hrs but today as I had to stop for numerous conference calls it took 8hrs.
This first stop was the OK Diner on the A1 which dies the best Yankee Doodle breakfast, including breakfast pudding of American pancakes and maple syrup.
When I finally got there, Rosie and mum were relieved to see me and an extra bit of TLC along with a calming influence seems to be helping. The poor lass is in lots of pain but apart from pain killers and lots of encouragement there’s not much we can do until she has more tests. She’s of course worried, tired and fed up but I’m here to offer hugs and try and get her mind off it a bit.

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