Still see the sunset here

Changed to wintertyres on my diesel car today. Have the tyres stored at a tyre hotel near by our summerhouse. The summertyres will be stored there util we open the summer house early next spring. Much cheaper here at the country side than in hectic Oslo. The tyres on Mrs B`s car I will change and store myself at home in Oslo, as I do with the tyres on Josefine`s mother`s car. Painted the mail box at Oven today (Extra). Do it every year. Don`t know why. I am the only one I know about out here painting the mailbox after the season. From Monday next week mail to us will be sent to our Oslo mail box. Mrs B will go to Palma de Mallorca. I my change tyres, moving the lawn and cut our hedge. I may go back to Oven and the summer house as well. However, the mail box there will be locked with a padlock to prevent it from being over filled with advertising mail the next months.

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