REDress Day

The National Day of Remembrance for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
From the local newspaper:
"REDress day set for Friday
"On Friday, Oct. 4, red dresses will hang from the trees in Centennial Park for the fourth year in remembrance of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, trans and two-spirit individuals.
"It forms part of the REDdress Project, a nationwide expression of grief, outrage and loss created in 2014 by Metis Artist Jaime Black. 
" 'Stonewall was only 50 years ago,' said Shellyse Szakacs,...a local REDdress organizer. 'From then to now, we see the power of stepping out of the shadows like we do each year with Pride. In the REDdress Project, Black gives form to and makes visible the women, girls, trans and two-spirits whose lives have been stolen.'
"In July of 2012, the Assembly of First Nations declared Oct. 4 the National Day of Remembrance for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women."
I'm not sure why REDress in the headline in the paper is spelled differently.
I worked closely with Indigenous people for many years and am too familiar with the grief of families who have been affected by the loss of missing and murdered women. I cried as I walked through the park, and the dress of a child particularly affected me. We have much to answer for in the way Indigenous people have been treated in Canada. Some progress has been made but we still have a long way to go to overcome racism.

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