Sighthill Stone Circle

Glasgow has its own Stone Circle. A mini Stonehenge. It was the first astronomically aligned stone circle built in Britain for around 3,000 years

The main phase of planning and construction took a year and a day, and the circle was completed in its initial form at the spring equinox of 1979.

Following a change of Government that year the construction was ordered to be halted. It still isn't quite complete and there are no identification signs in the area.

There are plans in existence to renovate it and bring the Stones up to their original planned height as well as provide wheelchair access etc. However the latest threat to it comes in the form of Glasgow's bid to host the 2018 Youth Olymipc Games which would see a Games Village being built on this site.

We can only hope they find a way of preserving them.

I considered tidying up the picture by removing the graffiti but decided just to leave it as it was.

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