The Need To Be More Swan, Allington

Over the past few weeks, due to work, I've been getting more stressed and anxious due to my workload when what I really need to do is be more swan. Today had a lovely walk along the river into town (about four miles or so) and was very struck by the regal calmness of this swan and it's cygnet. I felt so much better than yesterday when I felt overwhelmed by phone calls, e-mails,  multiple deadlines, tiffs, jpegs, raw files, contact sheets, Google docs, brain fade and sheer exhaustion.
The extra is called "Ballon Girl (Multi-Tasker)" - I feel a bit like her, trying to keep everything up in the air at the same time. In her case it was phone, cigggie and balloons while striding along but I felt it was an apt analogy!

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