I've got my eye on you .....

Grey Heron - ardea cincerea

Following my busy day yesterday it was set fair so I decided to treat the dogs to a different walk and went to the RSPB venue at Vane Farm, Loch Leven. We had a wonderful walk along the loch side but didn't see much bird life until I spotted this heron who had definitely spotted us! I love the detail in the long neck which I hadn't realised it had as I have never seen one at such close quarters before. I also love the sporty black quiff on its head which weirdly resembles a fascinator. It does look a bit windswept in this shot but I'm sure its mother loves it! The shot is maybe a bit grainy as it was on full telephoto and then cropped.

I am tagging this for the BlipBigYear Challenge as although a Great Blue Heron has been listed, this Grey Heron is a slightly smaller cousin and so a different species. They are native throughout temperate Europe and Asia and parts of Africa and although they have a wing span of just under 2 metres and can stand up to 1 meter tall they are fairly light birds, weighing just about 1.5Kg.

After the walk I enjoyed a cuppa and fresh scone at the cafe and once the dogs were safely back in the car I stocked up on more bird food and then ventured down to the hides, where I saw large numbers of mute swans and a female goosander preparing for their evening slumber. It had been a fabulous and relaxing day out.

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