a lifetime burning

By Sheol

G&T Abstraction


I'm in Madrid with 3 friends playing golf for a few days.  This is an attempt at a late night abstract shot of an excellent "Gin Tonic" as the Spanish like to say.  Although Inge has not set it as a theme, I thought I would adopt the looking at life through a glass of alcohol approach :-)

I think we were all a bit confused when we finally got to our apartment near the Bernabeu last night, because we somehow managed to tell our driver for today that he was to take us to the golf course that we are due to play on Sunday rather than the one we are due to play today.  They are not near each other, so that could have been a major problem.  Fortunately for us the 2 clubs were prepared to accommodate us and it all worked out OK in the end.  

I've added two extras:

A view of the 18th hole at Retamares late on in the afternoon as the sun was getting lower.

Sunset over Madrid as seen from the apartment balcony.

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