
We awoke later than expected but still had peanut butter crumpets together in the bath - then went to talk and tots - met Sasha - had okay, snack and singing - 3 of melodys favs!
Then home for nap and lunch - melody won't even let me hold her spoon or plate or be anyway involved with her feeding anymore - grrr! - fine if we have an hr for lunch and I don't mind the spaghetti hair look..
Then to a new group with Sara and Cath - rainbows - was supposed to be music and movement but we didn't do much dancing! Melody enjoyed the space and toys anyway - and more snack! She's eating soo much at the mo - and deffo put weight on over Xmas (like her mumma!)
Then home for some rough and tumble before making fish pie and going to eye hospital - no contact for a month but virus gone :)
Day 2 of bedtime upstairs went well again and she's laid beside me snoring! Haven't packaged up my eBay yet - forgot there's that drag part of it too..

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