The High Performance Computer array. It does look rather underwhelming, but we got a chance to see the new computer as part of the conference today.
It has 2,600 processors in it, and lots and lots of memory, and lots and lots of disk space. The bright blue lights are the disk arrays, the other lights are processors and interconnect.
It's about half the size of the previous one, and several times faster. Technology under the guise of Moore's law marches on.

The red cylinders in the background are part of the fire suppression system. Apparently you get 15 seconds warning, then sprayed with inert gas which has just enough oxygen to keep you alive, but not enough to keep you concious. Apparently though because of air conditioning and other noises, its difficult to hear the alarm anyway!

I can't tell you where it is, or I'd have to shoot you - just in case some envious people want to make off with it - although I think that would be pretty tricky, but hey.

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