Searching for food

A day of meetings. So many that one got overlooked and I had to be reminded. That turned out to be an excellent problem solving exercise. We have an electronic white board system which can be accessed by the community teams as well as the inpatient wards. By the end of the meeting we had agreed on the items that need to be on the white board for the inpatients. Items that will be not only able to be seen by both inpatient and community, but contributed to by all staff. 

My hope is that this will result in joined up care for the patients.

After getting home, I dropped S outside the Town Hall where she was meeting another of Mt H's grandmothers, and then went to Western Springs. Darkness came soon, but there was enough light for this photo of a Barbary Dove. They are feral in New Zealand having escaped or been released from captivity.

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