Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

The Conservatory

Neet's January Challenge Day 8 - Something beginning with 'T'

Living accomodation above the shop and in the basement is not extensive, and the Master and Mistress with their daughter - not to mention the 2 maids and Cook - find themselves short of space when it comes to the finer things in life such as a place to relax with some music and perhaps a bit of sewing.

Fortunately, they have a large enough garden for a rather splendid conservatory complete with the latest in gas lighting and a wood buring stove picked up on one of the Master's trips to the USA ('ealth'n'safety was not a consideration then!).

The Mistress has just about finished her latest Tapestry and has popped out for a for some tea, leaving the place to the cats. As usual, the piano has been left open with music left on the stands - one gust of wind will send it all fluttering to the floor.

This is a 1:12th scale model from my Doll's House collection. As with much of the collection the finer pieces, such as the building itself and the piano, have been built by myself from kits. The tapestry frame is also from a kit, with the tapestry itself being hand sewn (with the aid of a magnifying glass!) Just behind the light you can just see another tapestry with even finer gauge canvas - that really was a struggle a sew!

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