secret garden

By freespiral

Man O War!

I had a very different blip lined up for day and then I saw this!  Out on the customary circuit I spotted a strange shape amongst the seaweed and realised it was a Portuguese Man O'War! There's been a gathering of them around the coasts of Cork and Kerry but I had yet to see one. Strange and beguiling it is highly dangerous. I stayed well clear. Here's a few fascinating facts:
 It's not actually a jellyfish but a siphonophore - a colony of animals working together
It has incredibly long blue tentacles which pack a venomous punch
the translucent bladder is called a pneumatophore and is a delicate mauve pink
It may have got its name from the shape of Portuguese soldiers helmets in the 16C or it may resemble a fighting ship in full sail
Isn't it bizarre?

On a more sombre note, a young fisherman lost his life in the bay last night and the rescue helicopter and life boats and a flotilla of fishing boats have been out looking for him all day. Still out there. The sea looked particularly vast, bleak and lonely today. I hope they find him soon.

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