Windows into my Life

By Tessa

Yes another Flower. Stamen are so pretty!

I didn't have the patience for ant hunting today. Ive had a thumping headache all day and a few family dramas to deal with so I spent 10 minutes with my tripod and this flower and that was all I could get my head around. Ive blipped one of these before but this one is much better. Lots of detail around the different aspects of the stamen. The bits in the middle look like eggs. I have only just started using my tripod with my macro, with stationary subjects it really does enhance the quality of the picture.
I suppose I may go ant hunting tomorrow. I have a new Camera. The one I have been using was a loner. I dropped my camera in a river a few weeks ago. Thank goodness for insurance. I got it home today but I was mortified to find that it doesn't use SD cards! It 5:15pm and I wasn't able to get to the shop in time. I haven't told anyone about my wee mishap apart from my friend that kindly leant me her camera till I could get a replacement.

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