Purrfect Timing

By Boozo

Day 5 'You Are What You Eat'

This Is What It's All About!

The lack of burnable easily accessible calories is taking it's toll. The exercise regime is suffering and I've noticed that my poor aching muscles aren't recovering as quickly as they normally do. I'll see how the weekend goes, but I think I'll have to up the calorie intake from 1200 to 1500 next week. Annoying but I suppose you can't have your cake and eat it, or in my case have any cake at all!

Today I thought I'd experiment with pouring cereal, although it proved alot harder than I'd expected. I gave up in the end after spilling half the packet all over the floor!

Another meal out today! A leisurely life's never been such an endurance!

Excersice: Rowing, 3.8 miles, 265 calories and Cycling, 6 miles, 600 calories. And I'm now convinced that what I thought was flat is actually up hill!

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