Sils158, Bunnies again

today and Amanda and Mr T were coming up - it is her birthday today - she came complete with fillet steaks for us to cook at lunch.  We had a lovely chatty morning and after lunch we watched on old  but very good film "Men of Honor"   After we set the table for tea.  When we were in the kitchen we heard the bunnies muttering.  
Look said one bunny they are setting the table for tea,.  Yes  said another and  it look like they have got special bunny crisps. They must be for us   shouted the rest.  So they climbed down off  their shelf  and made their way to the table . . . . 
I came back in time to see one bunny carrying off a crisp and the others trailing behind and one still in the crisp bowl.   They scurried when they saw me and are now back on their shelf.  I think I shall have to fit trackers on them because what else do they get up to that I don't know about????
Thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.
Another wet start but fairly bright day 

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