Boat Photobomb

A chilled day - prison in the morning to drop off some books for a couple of the inmates, then straight on to the flea market where we bumped into the new guy from Belarus! He was there drumming. then later a quick pop to Nude and around to the end of the Port to take some pics of Dalt Vila as the sun set...we decided to be naughty and get a Burger King - Nate loved it, sat on the wall as I snapped pics, him eating chicken nuggets and running around. A lovely lovely evening!
Asha's having a brilliant time, we've had regular photo updates from my friend Michelle!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Eating meat - we don't really eat it anymore now Asha's making a concerted effort not to...we made the most of her not being with us!
2) A happy Nate.
3) Time to walk and talk with Danny.

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