engagement shoot

I don't have light stands yet. I have a monopod with feet that I thought would serve as one especially since it goes very high. Kids, don't try this at home. 

The flash smashed to the sidewalk. The blow was enough to knock the battery slightly out. The flash, my very nice, brand new flash, is fine - it was saved by the modifer. The thing that was attaching the flash to the monopod wasn't something I need anymore anyway. 

Oh there is so much to learn - how to operate this fancy flash, how to direct light, what looks best. I am so glad that I will be able to learn it. I am so grateful that I am capable of learning. I am so grateful that I got up after my accident and that I have recovered so much. If I write an autobiography I will title it, "I got up." 

This is a public display for Halloween in an area of Alexandria, Virginia, US called Del Ray. I think it is going to be my favorite of the shoot. 

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