
By MrColinWilson

Sunset over London

Happy to be heading home after two days at MI6 HQ being grilled over crashing another DB9 ;-)
To be honest I'm a bit of a "home body" and miss my Soozy when I'm away from home, but take solace in the little pleasures which present themselves. Like after being released from a room full of compulsive blackberry checkers all wearing the same suits and pointy shoes to board the plane I was held at the door for a couple of minutes where I struck up a pleasant conversation with the ground crew person about how beautiful the sunset was.
I was then given a Glenlivet by another nice woman on the plane.
My favourite and most anticipated is when I first spot Soozy waiting for me at the park and ride, the warm smile when she makes eye contact and finally the embrace....home again

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