Grumble alert!

Look out, he's off again.
Is there ANY wonder we're becoming an obese nation?

Alice and I used to ring the changes from time to time in the breakfast stakes, so I just kept up the habit.
This time I bought some Special X (Other letters are available)
There were added Peach and apricot, both of which I'm partial to too. ;-)
It boasted Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Iron, Zinc and Folic acid.
Then I read the back - 19% sugar. I wonder if that includes the "resident" sugars in the fruit?
NEXT - I added up the visible %s
Some WARPED arithmetic rears its ugly head here.
Rice - - - - - - -  44%
Wholewheat - 35%
Barley - - - - - - 4.5%
Dried fruits - - 5%  (It said "sweetened dried fruits" BTW)
Makes up - - - 88.5% They said 19gm per 100gm was sugar, remember?
Sugar - - - - - - 19%
Adding up to 107.5%

Told you it was warped, diddle I; don't waste time explaining why ;-)

The point is "they" are panicking about our young becoming obese, talking about a sugar tax AND, apparently, ignoring so called "healthy" cereals?

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 

Little ant finds his mate dashing madly back and forth across the top of a packet.
"And WHAT do you think you're doing?"
"Just, exactly, what it says mate - TEAR ALONG DOTTED LINE!"

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