More Light

Following Monday's Patch of Blue, we had a beautiful completely blue sky this morning. Unfortunately, by the time I'd completed some admin for my Exam Board job and got out for a walk this afternoon, it had clouded over.

Took a shot of one of the towers on the Clarks' shoes HQ which features an attractive engraving of the Tor and it wasn't until I downloaded it that I noticed this detail on the corner of the office building beneath it which, despite having passed the building thousands of times, I'd never noticed before (that's blipping for you. Anyway it seemed to sum up the day nicely.

My son, Chris, who works there tells me it's the name of the building and his task tomorrow is to try to find out why; my guess is it stems from the Clarks' Quaker beliefs and is something to do with the concept of self-improvement, the quest for knowledge, etc.

As I suspected had to backblip The Glovers Big Day in London yesterday

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