Nothing to do with it

In a rush - fun things to do. So it was either a photo of what I was rustling up for scran (a rarity for me - I prefer a meal out or a bratwurst in a baguette) or else a snap of my bowel screening kit which I'd just (not literally) stumbled over. Better get started on that too. Can't leave a job half undone.
Yes yes, back to fun. I have a spreadsheet. Oooo. And the Handbook to get started on. And yesterday I sent out an email -
It's that time of year again when we're getting the Handbook together, so as usual we're looking for a suitably stunning and Corinthian photograph for the front cover. Get your jpegs in - and the lucky winner (as judged by our Commodore) will get big kudos and their name in lights on the first page.
And what has someone sent in? A large power boat stonking down the Sound of Iona loaded with brats. Not at all the sort of thing that will cut it with the Commodore.

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