Hump day

A busy one.

Saw my GP at 9am. She wanted some blood before I'd eaten, so no food or even coffee until afterwards.

Client meeting at 10, so no chance to sit down and relax with a strong black cup. I expected it to be short, but it was almost 12 when I got back to World HQ.

I had the dentist at 2, so it was 3 by the time I got back from that.

Ah well. Keeps the flies off.

The Blip is my dinner. Chicken & veggie stir fry. Organic chicken, fried in sesame oil with garlic, ginger, spring onion & pepper. A dash of soy sauce in the wok at the end. Delicious. Attractive to look at. Cheap (maybe £3.50). Nutricious.

Most importantly, only about 450 calories. Yes, I'm getting rid of the fat boy outfit.

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